Monday 24 June 2013

Update on Life!

To all of you who have shown me support by believing in me, loving me, giving to me, praying for me, serving me, befriending me, challenging me, and encouraging me - your investment into my life whether big or small has not been overlooked. I would not be the person I am today without each and every one of you. Thank you so much!
I wanted to give you a flashback of my adventure in New Zealand and an update on where things will be going next. I often think that life is like a 'Roller Coaster' you ride for the first time...
As you stand in line, one of two things can happen: 1) Your excitement grows for the adventure of the ride; or 2) You become overtaken by fear and think you are going to die. You may be able to see the framework of the roller coaster but you do not know what it feels like until you ride it.
In January of 2011, I took a step in lining up for a great adventure ride, of following God and discovering who He made me to be. The first step in the ride was God asking me to uproot life and move across the world to New Zealand. That move came with an assignment to join Albiston Family Ministries and be a blessing to them. I found myself with the great honor of looking after the household, caring for the children, helping in ministry, doing outreach in the community, taking an internship course, and much more.
On this roller coaster ride, the downward swoop came with a high level of enjoyment which was what I needed to live through the turns. The turns were things that had to change in order to carry out the call of God on my life. Much of the change created a great deal of challenge that I had to overcome. The challenge showed me that I was riding with my eyes closed and missing out on a lot of awesome things in life. I believe everyone rides the roller coaster of life, but not all do so with eyes open. I wanted to see and enjoy every moment to the fullest. So with the help of the Holy Spirit, I started to change the things that kept my eyes closed. As my eyes opened the ride got a whole lot better. I will share more of those changes at another time, so keep a lookout for them.
Life took a quick twist in November of 2012 when the Albiston family started to consider the idea of moving from Tauranga, New Zealand (home of 3 years) to Sydney, Australia. Brendon and Deveri's dear friends Luke and Amber Harris are Location Pastors at Empower Church Shire and they asked Brendon and Deveri to join the team and ministry there. After a few weeks of praying, God opened a door that they confidently said yes to walk through. In that time Brendon and Deveri encouraged me to hear from God myself on whether moving to Sydney was right for me. I can not put into words the peace that I felt when praying it through. Although, it was a big twist to my life, I believe that moving to Australia is a must for the ride God has me on.
As 2013 started, we looked at dates and assumed it to be a straight forward move "across the ditch," as so many locals like to call it. However, the process got "put through the fire" literally, when our home burned down. We suddenly had to process the grief of losing our possessions while trying to juggle all the necessities of moving a family of seven overseas. It felt like the roller coaster stopped, but God was still mighty, working everything out for our good and for His glory.
The plan moved on and Brendon was the first to fly out on March 20th, with Deveri and the boys following 10 days later. I would have around a month in New Zealand with friends before joining the Albiston's again. It was hard to see them leave, but I knew our tracks would join up again along the way.
The last month in New Zealand has been amazing. God has brought so much clarity to my vision and life for the next part of the ride. Now as I step into this new adventure of living in Australia, I can't do it alone, I need your ongoing support in many ways.
If God touches your heart to join me in this adventure ride, please let me know as I would like to stay connected. Through your prayer and financial support I am empowered to move forward, but I want to take you along for the ride as well. Thank you!
In Christ,
Joy Hostetler
For pictures and more updates you can find me on Facebook here.
Visit Albiston Family Ministries web page, click here.